At KPOV in Bend, Oregon. Dawn Newton was a great interviewer.
Seeing our old friend Ingrid Lustig in Bend, Oregon, was wonderful. Ingrid has embarked on a new chapter in her life, taking care of her mother, Ula, who just moved there from Maryland. Great to be with both of them and always comforting to share stories about the challenges of caregiving. Had a really fun radio interview on Dawn Newton's Open Air show on KPOV .
Then came Redmond. I did a book shop event there that was, shall we say, not large. Thankfully Ross came, Ingrid came, the Dick and Ramona Martin came (who are in my book in the Green Pastures Senior Cooperative chapter), and the bookshop owner and one employee stuck around. You get the picture. We fled back to Bend and ate great Thai food as a consolation prize.
Then came Redmond. I did a book shop event there that was, shall we say, not large. Thankfully Ross came, Ingrid came, the Dick and Ramona Martin came (who are in my book in the Green Pastures Senior Cooperative chapter), and the bookshop owner and one employee stuck around. You get the picture. We fled back to Bend and ate great Thai food as a consolation prize.